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A Unique Way to Fund Your Dreams

A Unique Way to Fund Your Dreams

Have you ever had a vision to launch a new business or ministry, but then dismissed the idea because it would require more money than you had?  Money—or the lack of it—can be a powerful “calling blocker” that can get in the way of our becoming the people God created us to be and doing the things he designed us to do. 

Although God has unlimited resources, it is easy to feel like your dream gets squelched before it even begins to take shape because there is no way to fund it. Now there are new, creative methods of raising funds that harness the power of social networking. Kickstarter and IndieGogo are two “crowdfunding” sites that can provide the following benefits:

  • Money (to help fund your dream and minimize your initial risk)
  • Viral marketing (With the use of Twitter, Facebook, Google +, Linkedin, etc. those who believe in you and your dreams can turn into promoters with the click of a button.)
  • Introduce a new product before you start manufacturing (If people like your product you can raise thousands of dollars to fund your dream.)
  • Test your dreams (You will have the opportunity to see how people respond to your idea, product, service or project.)

Although these types of sites may not be successful for all your dream funding purposes, they have open up opportunities that have not existed before.  In fact, four Sundance 2012 film festival winners were funded by Kickstarter.  Our daughter, Amy, has just begun using IndieGogo to fund part of a mission trip to help serve and love the AIDS orphans in Swaziland, Africa.  You can check out her campaign here.

Remember if God calls you to a new career direction, business or ministry, he will always provide you with a way to obtain the needed resources for making this calling a reality.  “Crowdsourcing” is one more resource that God can choose to use to fund your dreams.

Looking for help in identifying and/or obtaining your career dreams? We invite you to learn more about our unique career coaching/counseling programs and services.


 © Article copyright by Kevin and Kay Marie Brennfleck, All rights reserved. The above information is intended for personal use only. No commercial use of this information is authorized without written permission.