Free Career Services Consultation

Find the Work You Were Designed to Do

Our affordable one-on-one career counseling/coaching services can help you discover and obtain meaningful, fulfilling work that fits your God-given design. Professional career services can help you to:

  • Clarify your God-given design through professional career testing;
  • Identify the work you were designed to do;
  • Develop short- and long-term career goals for living your calling;
  • Discern God's will for your career;
  • Land a new or better job;
  • Negotiate a salary that represents the true value you bring to a job;
  • Gain the competitive edge with a high-impact resume and other marketing materials and strategies;
  • Prove that you are the person to hire by utilizing the best job search strategies for today's job market.

If you would like to explore how professional career coaching/counseling can benefit you, we invite you to read further to learn more about our career services and our complimentary career services consultation.

What's the purpose of the career services consultation? The consultation is for individuals who think they could benefit from professional career coaching/counseling and are ready to invest financially in professional career services. The consultation aims to provide you with a professional career analysis and determine which career program or service will best meet your specific needs and goals. (We will let you know if we cannot meet your needs and goals.) We meet one-on-one with prospective clients to ensure a good fit between the client's needs and what can be accomplished through our services.)

What happens during the career services consultation? You will have a one-on-one phone session with either Kevin Brennfleck or Kay Marie Brennfleck, who are National Certified Career Counselors, the founders and directors of, and the authors of Live Your Calling: A Practical Guide to Finding and Fulfilling Your Mission in Life. During your session, you will have the opportunity to discuss your career situation with the career coach, clarify your goals for career coaching, learn more about the career programs or services of that would best meet your specific needs, and determine which career program or service will fit you best.   

Experience has shown us that there is no more effective way for you to determine if career coaching/counseling services will benefit you than with a complimentary career consultation session. Please provide us with the following information so we can assist you more effectively during your career services consultation.