All Featured and Premium Featured Job Postings Include:
Highlighted & pinned at the top of the searches for maximum exposure.
Promotion of your job(s) and organization on the home page of the
(new) We distribute your Featured Paid Job Postings for FREE to the most visited websites including,,,,, Google Jobs,, and (And we continue to add more partners.) Reach the right candidates in less time.
Featured in the Newsletter sent to over 36,000 subscribers.
Free resume access to over 26,000 resumes ($150 value).
Integrated with the Google Job Search Engine. (There is no place employers or recruiters can post their jobs directly. The good news is that the has already integrated with Google's new job search feature, which enables us to feed your featured postings directly into their job search index.)
Express Apply which allows candidates to apply to your jobs within seconds on both desktop and mobile devices using an Express Resume or a traditional resume file upload. To Enable Express Apply, simply use the 'Apply by Email' as your applicant delivery method when creating a job posting.
New Candidate Alerts every time a candidate applies to your jobs. Resumes are included as an attachment in the email.
Social Network Integration to thousands of subscribers on our Facebook and Twitter pages. You can also post your job ads on your own Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn & Twitter accounts with just a simple click of a button.
Mobile Recruiting. In today's job search market, over 68% of job searches are now mobile utilized. makes it easy for job seekers to easily view and apply to your jobs on any device.
Company Branded Pages. Every customer gets a company profile page. You can add a logo, photo's and information about your company to better convey your brand structure.
Candidate Management Tools. Manage your jobs, see stats by job views, view applications from job seekers and manage profile settings in your account dashboard.
Search Engine Optimization. All job listing url's, job titles, job descriptions and locations are optimized in Google,Yahoo! and Bing searches for optimal keyword exposure.