591 S. Rigby Lane
Pasadena, CA 91104
Cell: (818) 793-3485
OBJECTIVE Graphic Artist
- Four years of experience in graphic design and desktop publishing.
- Certificate in Computer Graphics and Graphic Design from University of California, Los Angeles.
- Demonstrated ability to produce a wide variety of graphic products including newsletters, letterhead, business cards, and training materials.
- Proficient on Macintosh and IBM systems; experience with PageMaker and Ventura Publishing.
- Creative, able to communicate effectively with customers, consistently meet deadlines.
Graphic Design
- Created design for brochure advertising curriculum of human resource training department that was sent to 1,000 company employees.
- Developed format for notebook materials, manuals and hand-outs for 25 different courses.
- Designed departmental newsletter that had a circulation of 500 supervisors and managers.
Desktop Publishing.
- Saved the department $6000 by producing materials in-house with the Aldus PageMaker program.
- Created documents on both Macintosh and IBM systems; utilized scanner.
- Utilized WordPerfect 6.1 and Ventura Publishing programs.
- Created corporate logo package that included letterhead and brochures.
Customer Communication
- Interviewed training staff to determine the desired appearance and content for training materials.
- Problem-solved to effectively meet deadlines. Have met all deadlines on time.
- Suggested alternative presentations of ideas and visual concepts, resulting in satisfied customers.
Certificate in Computer Graphics and Graphic Design / University of California at Los Angeles
M.A. in Speech Communication / University of Southern California / Los Angeles, CA
B.A. in Communication / Azusa Pacific University / Azusa, CA
Senior Trainer / Newton Medical Center / Los Angeles, CA / 2011 to present
Director of Training / Human Possibility Systems, Inc. / La Habra, CA / 2005 to 2011
Management Trainer / Bales Department Store / Los Angeles, CA / 2000 to 2005
REFERENCES Available upon request