Pilgrim Congregational Church, UCC

Pilgrim Church is an Open and Affirming congregation of
the United Church of Christ in Nashua, New Hampshire.

We are a Protestant denomination with a long and compassionate history. Join us as we move forward and explore new ways to proclaim the message of Jesus Christ!

Sep 26, 2022  
This Christian job is no longer available, however, you can find many open ministry jobs, church jobs, and pastor jobs by clicking here .   Pilgrim Congregational Church UCC, in Nashua, NH, is accepting applications for a Music Director who will work with the minister to plan a varied program of traditional to modern music.  This position requires playing at every Sunday service and at special services such as our evening Christmas Eve service.  The position requires approximately 4 hours per week including rehearsals with an adult choir (Sept – June) held prior to each Sunday service.  The position includes one paid Sunday off per quarter. We seek a person with a wonderful and enthusiastic personality to play the Grand Piano and pipe organ (2 manual, 25 rank) and to work with our volunteer adult choir.  Please email resumes to nashuapilgrimucc@gmail.com with a subject line of Music Search Committee or alternatively you may mail your...
Pilgrim Congregational Church, UCC Nashua, NH, USA Part time