Grace Redeemer Church

Grace Redeemer Church (GRC) is a Gospel-centered, missional, multi-ethnic church in Glen Rock, New Jersey – just a few miles outside of NYC and a member of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). We are a spiritual family of broken people who find our life and satisfaction in the grace of God expressed toward us in Jesus Christ (the Gospel). We seek to love, encourage, and support one another as a spiritual family, but our vision is for more than ourselves; we recognize that God has brought us into His family in order to share His heart for the whole world, so we seek to share the love of God with others wherever we live, work, and play. That’s what we mean by “missional”—we count it a privilege to participate in the mission of God.


Transformed disciples live UP, IN, and OUT: cultivating relationships with God, one another, and with the world to which we are sent. Therefore, we will carry out our ministry by:

  • Praying: Because we join God in His mission, we commit to encouraging kingdom-prayer in all gatherings. 
  • Preparing: Because transformation occurs through discipleship, we will equip individuals and families to live up, in, and out where they live, work, and play.
    • UP: By cultivating God-glorifying and Christ-centered worship.
    • IN: By enriching relationships within the body of Christ through intentional community, hospitality, assimilation of newcomers, and regular play and celebration, AND by shaping and equipping God’s people so that they increasingly bear the likeness of our Savior.
    • OUT: By personally and communally engaging in evangelism and outreach AND by sacrificially investing our personal and church resources to advance God’s Kingdom.
  • Participating: Because disciples are ambassadors for Christ, sent for the sake of the world, we will engage and partner for community and global impact.