By Kevin Brennfleck and Kay Marie Brennfleck
National Certified Career Counselors and Life Calling CoachesSM
The following job search statistics came from What Color is Your Parachute? by Richard N. Bolles and studies done by Harvard University and the U.S. Department of Labor. Keep these statistics in mind as you decide which methods to use and the amount of job search time you allocate to them. Emphasizing the job search strategies that are proven most successful will help you to find work faster. (Note: The % total is more than 100% because the statistics do not all come from the same study; they do, however, give good indications of which methods are more effective than others.)
• Contacting employers directly and contacting personal contacts (Up to 74.5% of job hunters find jobs using these methods)
• Using the Internet for computer-related jobs (45% success rate--Bolles' personal estimate)
• Asking friends for job leads (34% success rate)
• Asking relatives for job leads (26.7% success rate)
• Using your school's placement/career services (21.4 % found jobs)
• Using executive search firms (15% found jobs)
• Using federal/state employment service (14.7% found jobs)
• Answering classified ads (up to 14% of job hunters find jobs using this method)
• Asking a professor or teacher for job leads (12.1% success rate)
• Contacting employment agencies (up to 12% found jobs)
• Answering ads in professional journals (8.3% found jobs)
• Attending job fairs (8.2% found jobs)
• Using the Internet for non-computer-related jobs (2% success rate--Bolles' personal estimate)
Are you in need of more support in your career change or job search? Professional career coaching can make a big difference in your career and life. One study from Lee Hecht Harrison found that "people who work with a career coach find jobs 15-46 percent faster than those who don't". Kevin and Kay Marie Brennfleck, National Certified Career Counselors, are available to help you. After reading about their career coaching and testing services, schedule a free career services consultation session to discuss which career services would best meet your individual needs. We would consider it a privilege to help you find the work that God has designed you to do.
© Article copyright by Kevin and Kay Marie Brennfleck, All rights reserved. The above information is intended for personal use only. No commercial use of this information is authorized without written permission.