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Keys to Successful Self-Employment

Keys to Successful Self-Employment

 By Kevin Brennfleck and Kay Marie Brennfleck
National Certified Career Counselors and Life Calling CoachesSM 


In the current economy, increasing numbers of people are considering self-employment. Many people we have talked with in the past months have shared their frustrations about having someone else in control of their career.  Uncertainty in the workplace, layoffs, corporate politics and negative work environments are some of the factors that motivate people to think about launching out on their own. We find that many people dive into self-employment, however, without spending sufficient time evaluating if it will be a good fit for them.  If you're dreaming of being your own boss, here are some keys to making sure it is a success.

Did God Design You for Self-Employment?

Before you quit your job or invest money in a new business venture, it pays to do some research to know if self-employment will be a good fit for you.  And where should you begin your investigation? With yourself! While there are, of course, outside factors that affect business success or failure, you are one of the most important factors to look at prior to starting a business. Your design-your skills, personality traits, interests, people skills, experience, willingness to learn, ability to risk, etc.-will determine, to a large degree, whether your business will succeed or fail.  

At, we offer a special set of assessments in our Professional Career Testing Package for people considering becoming entrepreneurs.  We have helped many individuals determine whether self-employment was a good fit for their God-given design. If you would like to learn more, sign up for a career services consultation session today.

What Type of Business Fits You Best?

If self-employment is a good fit, the next question to be considered is what type of self-employment will be best for you. Start-up business? Work from home?  Franchise?  Contract work? Choosing a business that fits your skills, interests, personality type, and lifestyle is another key factor in successful entrepreneurship. Once you have a good understanding of your God-given design, choosing a self-employment option that fits will be much easier.

Doing your homework on yourself, the variety of self-employment opportunities, and the business of running a small business will help you lay a foundation for success should you decide entrepreneurship is for you. The Small Business Administration is a terrific resource for potential entrepreneurs, offering planning resources and articles such as Is Entrepreneurship for You?

Keeping Your Perspective

As you investigate how to earn a living in this world, remember that God has designed you for a one-of-a-kind purpose. He has created you to be His partner in doing His work on earth.  Whether or not self-employment fits you, God has a plan for your life!  If you would like assistance in identifying your gifts and determining a career path that fits, we invite you to sign up for a career services consultation session today.

We would look forward to helping you discover and live your calling!