Aug 24, 2024

School Aftercare Coordinator Part-Time

$18.50 hourly
  • Asheville Christian Academy
  • 74 Riverwood Road, Swannanoa, NC, USA
Part time Christian School

Job Description

Job summary:  Aftercare Coordinator Part-Time

Hired by: Head of School

Responsible to:  Director of Operations

Evaluated:  Annual written evaluation conducted by the Level Administrator

Type of position:  Yearly contracted part-time position. Average 15 hours per week.

Staff Profile

·         Personally committed and loyal to ACA. Demonstrates a clear understanding and commitment to the By-Laws (including our statement of faith), mission, vision, core values, philosophy, and graduate profile of the school.

·         Models Christian values. Routinely shares and models personal testimony while pursuing the best reputation for integrity, spiritual leadership, unity, ministry, and grace at school, in a Bible-believing Christian church, at home, and in the community.

·         Appreciates Christian Education and is committed to helping ACA meet the instructional needs and overall wellbeing of all students.

·         Builds relationships of trust and consistency. Communicates effectively with students, parents, peers, and administrators. 

·         Contributes to a culture where academic, artistic, and athletic achievement is esteemed.

·         Demonstrates a collaborative style of work, and a spirit of problem-solving, envisioning, and joy in service.

·         Maintains a safe and orderly work environment.  

·         Is prepared each day. Responds to unforeseen challenges or situations with the proper attitudes and actions.

·         Respects the diversity of students, including their race, denominational persuasion, ethnicity, and socio-economic status.

Required Confessional and Spiritual Qualities

It is required that all staff:

·         Acknowledge Christ as Savior and seek to live a life grounded in grace and obedience to Him.

·         Believe the Bible to be the inspired, the only infallible, authoritative, inerrant Word of God—the standard for faith and practice (Article II, ACA By-Laws).

·         Believe and actively support the By-Laws of Asheville Christian Academy (attached).

·         Demonstrate a desire for spiritual growth as evidenced by his or her prayer life, Bible study, and spiritual service to others.

·         Stand as a Christian role model in attitude, speech, and actions toward others (Luke 6:40). This includes being committed to God’s biblical standards for sexual conduct (ACA Lifestyle Statement/Declaration of Moral Integrity).

·         Affirm and agree that as a staff member of Asheville Christian Academy, he or she has an important role and ministry in carrying out the school’s mission of Christian discipleship by demonstrating to students how to live and apply the Christian faith in every area of work and vocation.

·         Demonstrate the fruits of mature Christians, have a knowledge of Scripture, and a fundamental understanding of key doctrines covered in the By-laws.

·         Have a Christ-centered home.

·         Actively participate in a local Bible-believing church.

Required Professional Qualities

It is required that all staff will:

·         Demonstrate a reasonable level of computer literacy and have basic proficiencies in Microsoft Office, Outlook, accessing the Internet for instructional purposes, and use of ACA’s school communications and management software.

·         Possess evidence of other adequate preparation, background, or experience as determined by the supervising Director or Administrator.

·         Clearly articulate a Biblical philosophy of education

·         Maintain a professional appearance indicative of a Christian role model of cleanliness, modesty in dress, words, and actions consistent with school policy and the teachings of scripture (Philippians 4:8-9).

Required Personal Qualities

It is required that all staff will: 

·         Sign and live cheerfully by the ACA Lifestyle Statement (attached) as a condition for employment and continued employment in this ministry.

·         Have the spiritual maturity, academic ability, and personal leadership qualities to “train a child in the way he should go” (Prov. 22:6, NIV).

·         Develop and maintain rapport and effective communication with students, parents, and staff by demonstrating a servant's sensitivity and treating others with courtesy, patience, dignity, respect, and a good sense of humor.

·         Defend scripturally grounded principles and convictions in the face of pressures and partisan influences, but with gentleness and grace toward others (I Peter 3:15).

·         Acknowledge mistakes and weaknesses and take measures to correct, grow, and improve.

·         Respect and be loyal to those whom God has placed in authority over them.

·         Learn the story of ACA, its history, and culture in order to make ACA a community of grace.

·         Maintain a lifestyle that is consistent with a Christian role model, including the outward demonstration of joy, love, mercy, modesty, good taste in conversation and entertainment, and overall consistency with ACA policy.

·         Demonstrate the spiritual stability to maintain a vibrant Christian walk, publicly and privately, during good times and hard times demonstrating an objectivity and optimism grounded in the providence and sovereignty of God.

·         Demonstrate love and compassion for children.

·         Express an attitude of grace toward one’s self and to others.

·         Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of discernment, discretion, and confidentiality in the operation of the classroom and school community.

·         Be an enthusiastic and encouraging visionary for Christian education and a high-energy self-starter.

·         Cooperate and work cheerfully as members of this Christian community.

Essential Job Functions—Accountabilities

Spiritual Leadership

·         Reflect the chief end of the Christian, which is to glorify and honor Christ in every work responsibility, and to enjoy Him in the process.

·         Promote the Christian faith and demonstrate biblical precepts to students by being a living example of how a Christian fulfills job responsibilities.  In this way, staff join faculty in the fulfillment of the school’s Christian discipleship mission.

·         Maintain high standards of ethics, honesty, and integrity in all personal and professional matters.

·         Follow the Matthew 18 principle in dealing with all conflicts involving students, parents, staff, and administration.

Organizational Leadership

·         Maintain an orderly work environment.

·         Show up on time for work, meetings, duties, and conferences.

·         When necessary, coordinate schedules and events with other faculty.

Professional Leadership

·         Seek and accept constructive evaluation of her/his job performance.

·         Follow the guidelines and policies set forth in the Professional Standards.

·         Maintain exemplary relationships with students, fellow staff members and parents.

·         Follow the chain of command.

·         Seek to be peacemakers. Follows the Matthew 18 principle.

General Responsibilities

·            Contribute to the team effort of the faculty and staff to best meet the spiritual, physical, and mental needs of the overall student-parent body.

·            Heartily adhere to the statement of faith of ACA.

·            Incorporate Biblical principles in all relationships and tasks throughout the daily routine. (E.g., diligence, hard work, forgiveness, peaceableness, etc.)

·            Maintain strict confidentiality of information about students, parents, faculty, and staff.

·            Attend staff meetings as required.

·            Perform other duties as assigned by the Director of Operations.

Specific Duties and Responsibilities:

·            Maintain an orderly and safe aftercare environment.

·            Coordinate and provide aftercare activities and services.

·            Provide attendance data to the business office for billing.

·            Order and maintain aftercare snack inventory.

·            Verify the pick-up information.

·            Use software to pull rosters.

·            Communicate behavior issues with Supervisor and Parents.

Benefits Package and Courtesies:

·         Professional Development


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